The subject is the much-discussed structural change caused by the construction boom and the associated issue of displacement of the local population from their areas. Gentrification and increasing attractiveness as keywords.
This are photographed mountains of sand from construction sites in Berlin freed from the visually realistic environment in order to convey a surreal impression that underscores this apparently unreal situation. The mountain, taken out of its context, is ideal-typical. As purposeful as this constructed term from the theory of science, which is supposed to “arrange and capture” sections of social reality by emphasizing the “essential aspects of (social) reality and often intentionally exaggerating them”. The sand mountain or partly pile of rubble is thus a metaphor for a heavy burden that has to be overcome. At the same time, in this way and taken out of its true context, it is also reminiscent of holidays or lunar landscapes: unreal terrain can be seen, an area devoid of vegetation. On the other hand cliffs and the ocean seem to be just beyond. Likewise the structural change.